Tuesday, June 19, 2012


1. Yesterday, Dwyt had his first orientation of our unit and sir Jojo, a staff from DECA was the one who conducted the orientation. According to Dwyt, it was quiet a relief for him to hear sir Jojo agreeing every complains he had in our unit. Sir Jojo told Dwyt that for the mean time he will not hand-over the key not until all our complains are fixed by the contractor. But for how long?.. that we don't know...

2. So, Dwyt asked sir Jojo after the orientation about the water connection. Because how can we stay in our unit if we don't have water. Unfortunately, with some reasons I don't intend to acknowledge, sir Jojo told Dwyt that for the mean time we can use their water  for free located across our unit. In short, we have to fetch water outside. But for how long?...that we don't know...

3. With regards to our electrical connection, sir Jojo told Dwyt that due to some blah, blah, blah they can not provide us electricity for now however, he said that we might avail for an unlimited temporary electricity for two months and we just have to pay Php 1,500.00. Maybe, this is a good deal for the moment since we will be renovating our third floor interiors. Nevertheless, sir Jojo didn't guarantee that after two months we will have our own electrical connection. How long are we going to wait?...that we don't know...

4. Before Dwyt left the area, he talked to Engr. Edgar with some details regarding the weight capacity of the structure because we decided to tile the whole third floor. We are very much concern about the load of the structure, but according to Engr. Edgar as long as the materials for floor tile are ceramics then it won't be a problem. Although he added that we must apply for a permit if we planned to put up a window type aircon in our unit especially if we are going to crap out a portion of the wall in front. What? a permit for aircon installation? Is this for real?...

So much with all these frustrations, we have a big day tomorrow because we will start our interior renovation for third floor. Hopefully, everything will be smoothly done. 

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