Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Day 3

First thing in the morning, Dwyt went to the DECA office to follow-up our temporary electrical connection, unfortunately the staff informed Dwyt that they will no longer allow temporary connection and she told Dwyt to talk to the engineer on site on how to solve the electrical connection problem. This time, we were really mad because they gave us our PTO without water and electrical connection!
Adding the burden, we talked to the engineer and he told us that he can give us temporary connection provided that first, we buy a 70-meter stranded wire size# 8 in order for us to connect to the nearest post,  second, provide our own electrical engineer to do the connection and lastly, shall not be allowed to use the electricity after 5:00PM! What?! (crazy engineer) Dwyt told the engineer that the restriction of the use of electricity beyond 5:00PM is not possible hence the place is not safe without lights.
We were getting used to it, all the burdens and problems they've caused us.
View of the 70-meter stranded wire
Floor Tile
Good thing that kuya alfred is an Electrical Engineer, he volunteered to do the wire tapping for connection. They also started the slab portion (will be the laundry area) at the back and prepared the plumbing and ventilation work.

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