Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Day 2

The materials were delivered early in the  morning, however the weather wasn't cooperative with us hence the slab and ceiling insulation work was postponed. Instead, kuya alfred started tiling the floor and applying primer and gypsum putty to all concrete walls.
Construction Materials
Floor Tiles
Wall w/ Primer and Putty
Covered the Wooden Stairs
When Dwyt and I visited our unit, I was thankful to kuya alfred because he covered the wooden stairs to prevent from getting dirty. Also, he removed all the floor tiles from their boxes to check if there were broken tiles. So, we returned 11 pcs of tiles to CitiHardware. (Note: CitiHardware will not replace broken tiles if they found out that the tiles were installed already, they will check the back portion if there are cement or adhesive that sticks to it.)

Another thing, it's already in Day 2 and still no electricity.

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